
National Instruments' VeriStand software development environment is recommended as part of a Modular Data Acquisition and Control System as it enables rapid setup; ease of maintenance and customization; and, flexibility for future expansion.  For experienced developers, highly customized M-DACS software may also be created entirely in LabVIEW or C.

VeriStand License and Quickstart Kit

The VeriStand License and Quickstart Kit enables a customer to begin immediate use of M-DACS.  The kit consists of:

  1. a VeriStand Full Development System License
  2. VeriStand System Definition File and UI Manager interface screens, each customized for the customers' M-DACS hardware (see below).
  3. Real-time sequence test script templates
  4. Up to four hours of support from Huntsville Data Systems.  For customers within 50 miles of Huntsville, AL, support can be provided at customer site.  Support for other customers will be provided by phone.

VeriStand System Definition File
A configuration file known as a System Definition File (SDF) specifies the behavior of a real-time controller in a VeriStand application.  The Veristand License and Quickstart Kit includes an SDF that is customized for use on the CompactRIO controller operating in the customers Data Processor.  A screenshot of a typical SDF is shown below.

Typical System Definition File Supplied with m-DACS

Typical System Definition File Supplied with m-DACS

VeriStand UI Manager
End users can monitor and control M-DACS using the VeriStand UI Manager.  Included with the VeriStand License and Quickstart Kit are diagnostic screens that enable verification of each instrument and control channel.  These screens may be used as the basis for development of interfaces for the customer's application.

Below are screenshots of typical diagnostics screens that are provided with M-DACS. 


Price of the VeriStand License and Quickstart Kit is USD 7,950.